the city university of new york 在 Want to work in Japan? Brush up yourself in Tokyo! Real English Bootcamp 的影片資訊
Thank you so much for watching our video. We are starting a program called Real English Bootcamp. Th...
Thank you so much for watching our video. We are starting a program called Real English Bootcamp. Th...
On Taiwan Hashtag hosted by Ross Feingold, we are joined by Hseih Pei-fen 謝佩芬, Legislative Yuan cand...
現代主義建築最後大師」華裔美籍建築師貝聿銘辭世,享嵩壽102歲。他曾獲有建築界諾貝爾獎美譽的普利茲克獎,「羅浮宮金字塔是他最為人津津樂道的作品之一。 1984年,在時任法國總統密特朗(Francois...
Po-Lin was born in 1994 Yilan, Taiwan and grew up in the small town of Su'ao. He is Atayal, one trib...
Sit with me as I get ready and have some real talk about everything that's been going on, from the f...
(Music: Sandra Tavali 2017 - "In A Soundscape", Composer's DEMO) 2017新逸藝術華人樂壇的亮點 徐嘉琪、廖培鈞 雙鋼琴音樂會 購票...
2017新逸藝術華人樂壇的亮點 徐嘉琪、廖培鈞 雙鋼琴音樂會 購票: 雙鋼琴的演奏,就如同小型室內樂一般,...
I was supposed to upload this vlog a few days ago but due to some technical issues I wasn't able to....
中國名校「復旦大學」5月底推出的新版宣傳片,因涉嫌「抄襲」而引起網友熱議。在本集影片裡,郝毅博除了整理復旦「複製門」事件,也順帶分析了他對台灣的大學宣傳片的有趣心得,一起來看看。 The Unive...
Mayday: The Top Mandarin Band 2014 NOW-HERE WORLD TOUR MAYDAY NOW-HERE 五月天 諾亞方舟 http://www.bin-mus...